At 65 miles per hour any vehicle, commercial or passenger, is traveling 95 feet per second. However, the distance required to stop a vehicle changes dramatically as the size and weight of the vehicle increases. Simply stated, larger and heavier vehicles require more distance to stop than smaller and lighter vehicles. A passenger car traveling…
Tires may be the most important part of having a safe vehicle. Your tires are the only part of the vehicle that touches the roadway. When accelerating from a stop or braking to stop, your tires form the essential contact with the road that allows movement and travel. Despite their enormous importance, many drivers do…
WHAT HAPPENED? The Clean Water Act authorizes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) to limit pollution in “navigable” waterways. On June 29th, the EPA published its Clean Water Rule, which expands the definition of navigable waterways to include the tributaries that feed into those waterways. Twenty-seven States, including Georgia, immediately…